Dorna keeps pretty tight controls on what information gets out about its business; but when dealing with public entities, some of those figures are bound to come forth. Such is the case with Motorland Aragon, the Spanish track that recently locked in MotoGP through the 2016 season. The cost of hosting MotoGP for the next six years? €41 million. That figure breaks down into €6 million for the 2011 round, €7 million for the 2012 season and subsequent years as well.
Bear in mind that Motorland Aragon is paying Dorna €7 million a year, not the other way around, so that figure sounds like a pretty rotten deal for the Spanish track. But don’t start the pitty party yet though, as estimates from last year place the total economic value of Aragon hosting the 2010 MotoGP World Championship at around €40 million.
While local business suggest that figure is more like €30 million, it’s a lot of coin for hosting a single race. Despite which figure you choose to believe, the Spanish community’s decision to build a track in the middle of Spanish nowhere is proving to be a prudent business decision, as the hosting cost for one year nearly makes the contract break even for the whole term (meaning the following five years will be pure gravy train profits).
According to Motorland Aragon, the newest Spanish track is also benefiting quite well compared to its three other fellow Spanish MotoGP venues, who are having to pay a bit more to Dorna to host the MotoGP World Championship. Both Jerez and Valencia are reported as paying €8 million a year to Dorna to host MotoGP, although admittedly those venues hold more race fans, and have more established metropolitan areas for people to spend money in once the race is over.
Source: Motocuatro via MotoMatters