
Paul Carruthers Appointed Editorial Director of Cycle News and Motorcycle USA as MAG Consolidates Holdings

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Motorsport Aftermarket Group (MAG) is probably not a name that many of our readers are familiar with, but it is the company behind brands like Performance Machine wheels, Roland Sands Design, Renthal handlebars, Vance & Hines exhausts, along with a list of other lesser-known aftermarket brands. Straying from its namesake, MAG made some waves recently when it acquired the Motorcycle Superstore online retail outlet.

Another story of interest involves a division of Motorsport Aftermarket Group: the MAG Media Group (MMG), which bought Cycle News back in 2010 and acquired Motorcycle USA with the Motorcycle Superstore purchase. Owning one of the oldest print publications in the business, as well as the largest web-based publication in the industry, MAG has realigned its MMG operations to consolidate the management of the two publications, with longtime editor Paul Carruthers taking on the role of Editorial Director in the business reshuffling.

According to its release, MMG says that the two entities “will continue to operate as separate publications dedicated to delivering the unique and quality editorial content that readers expect,” which is an interesting statement consider each publication has what the other needs — Cycle News has a brand and a strong journalistic ethos, while the MotoUSA has a grasp on this whole internet fad and how its lowest common denominator a kitten meowing underwater. Adorbz.

Related to the re-organization, Sean Finley, of Source Interlink fame, will become MMG’s General Manager/Advertising Director through his company Digital Throttle, which is one of the largest automotive and powersports focused ad networks in the business.

For fun full-disclosure, Asphalt & Rubber, along with a slew of other notable publications, uses Digital Throttle to serve portions of their on-site advertisement inventory.

All-in-all, it is an interesting mix of consolidating, partnering, and strategizing of commerce, commentary, and commercialism in the two-wheeled space. Resistance is futile dear readers.

Source: MAG
