
Alcohol: Stronger Than You Think

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As the holidays rapidly approach and leave us (shalom to our Jewish readers), the issue of drunk driving becomes more topical and important to us as motorcyclists. In the motorcycling world, drunk driving becomes a two-pronged issue because of the added physical and sensory requirements it takes to safely operate a two-wheeled vehicle, and because of the heightened danger of road-hazards, i.e. other impaired drivers.

In a straight-to-point add campaign commissioned by the Salvador Association, we get to see some of the somber anti-drunk driving advertisements that probably wouldn’t go over to well here in the United States. So whether you’re having some spiked egg nog at the work Christmas party, wine with the in-laws, or having champagne at New Years, please hang up the helmet and grab a cab instead.

Source: Twisting Asphalt
